This is a page thats going to be about the stuff that happens to me, mainly at work. Or, not.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Little Red Cap.

I'm not 100% sure what happened with this but:

Last night, there were a a bunch of kids (they'd be about 13-15), hanging around where I work.
This happens a fair bit, so I didn't pay attention to them.

Until one of them kicked (possibly repeatedly-there were a few loud bangs) a customers car.

Guess what happened next? Mr Large Customer wasn't very pleased, and decided to do something about it. He was smart enough to do it down the street where there are no cameras.

This angered the rest of the 'gang' that were hanging around. Especially Little Red Cap, who started kicking the stuff at work (including, which nearly broke, a petrol bowser).

If I had any compassion left for them (and I did....) it ended right then and there.

And then, he has the nerve to call me a coward. Despite the fact the fight (Which would have been one or two punches) wasn't really on our site, and therefore not our problem once we ring the police.

This caused me to give him the mute-stare-of-death. When I see him again, I'll be doing it again...and again, and again.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Disappointed in Lucas....

I've been to see the new Star Wars movie, and all I can say is...meh.

Sure, it had great action sequences, and a fairly decent story, being that it was about how Anakin becomes Vader, but it was missing something for me. I don't know what, but because of it, I felt it wasn't as good as it could've been. Overall, I disliked it, and think it was a waste of money.

I know I'm going against the majority of the reviews that will be on the net, but as most of the millions of those will be by SW 'addicts', who cares?

Not me.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Tucker Max woke me up in time for work.

A few weeks back, I ordered a tuckermax ( ) book at my local bookstore. They said it would take about 3-4 weeks to arrive.

Fastfoward to last week....
I worked Tuesday graveyard shift (10pm-6am), and had to work wednesday afternoon, from 2pm to 10pm. For those who are too stupid to count time, thats 8 hours break, meaning i get only about 4/5 hours sleep (if I can sleep....) if I want to get to the bus on time.

It happened again this week, and I never had a chance to tell my boss he'd made the mistake.
I set my alarm for 11am, so I'd have time to get up and go into town and do some window shopping and have lunch before hand.

My alarm goes off. I roll over and press snooze. 3 and a half hours later, the phone rings. I wake up, and look at the time. It's 1:40pm. I look again. Something doesn't feel right. Then it hits me. I'm meant to be at work, counting the till, and I'm still in bed.

The phone call I got? My Tucker Max book has arrived at the bookstore.

He may be a (very funny) asshole, but because of him, I got to work.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Again he does it....

My boss has done it for a second week in a row. Given me two shifts on the same day, with only 8 hours inbetween.

I may sound like a whiner, but I have to work tonight from 10pm to 6am, then go home, get a token amount of sleep, and then go back at 2pm.

I'm pretty sure that it's illegal here (australia) to do that...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Bloc Party.

Yet another great album I've found(Silent Alarm, by the band Bloc Party). There's so much good music out there at the moment. I really have to start paying attention to whats being released....

And, in work related stuff, we've had that fake burglary that I mentioned...back....then.
I don't think the boss got the result he was looking for. The guy was given the money, which the boss wanted to happen, but the person who it happened to couldn't get any details for the police, such as appearence and number plates etc.

Though who knows how hard she tried? I know I wouldn't of, being that it is a f*cked up idea. No one knows exactly how they will react in such a situation.

The funny thing is I had no idea it had happened, even though I was on night shift the day it happened. I found out when a customer told me.....after reading it in the local paper.

Friday, May 13, 2005

New Look!

And a new name as well.

Pity that I lost all the custom links I put in.
Got some back into place, I'll do the rest (and maybe more) later.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The strange people I see....

The drug addicts: Whether speed, heroin or weed, its OBVIOUS. Guys. We can tell. Always. Don't think we are fooled. We just don't care.

The Thieves: Once again, pretty obvious, unless you are good. Normally nervous, glancy, hang around in or out of the store for a while. Sometimes we act, some times not. Depends on mood.

The Crazys: Sometimes hard to spot, until they act. This one lady, it wasn't obvious, until she bought some food, and then, as she walked out, waved at someone, and said some gibberish, despite the fact there was NOONE else in the store. (And today she stared at me like I was eating a hat. Scary.)

The Drunks: These are all right most of the time. Its the ones that get aggressive or think they can intimidate me into giving them free food that p*ss me off. I will not hesitate to tell them to live/overcharge these people. And, if they get too pissy, I'll threaten to ring the police. Alllllways works. :)

The Angrys/Rushers: The most aggravating of the bunch. They act like they are the most important person in the store. Today I had 2. The first one had a BP fuel card, and wanted me to give his card back, despite needing to do a signature match. What gets me, is he told me that there are several signatures to the one card, despite there being only one on the back. Pretty sure that that is ILLEGAL! Better to leave it unsigned. That way we don't care(not that we do anyway...). The second one was angry because she was in a rush, despite wanting food, while the person in the kitchen was busy making a burger. Not my fault you had to wait for me to finish serving the 5 other people in the store. So I took my time...I knew what was coming.
And then she had to find the right card, which made her madder (how is that my fault?!?).
Its not my time being wasted. I'm there for 8 hours at a time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

American Invasion!/My boss is a shit, but whats new?

For the next few days, there's an American navy ship (or something similar) in port, and they all get shore leave.

The cooks on the ship mustn't be the greatest (either that or they like eating fat), because we had 5 of them come through last night about midnight, and they all ordered double cheesburgers.

You've seen Mcdonald's cheeseburgers? Imagine those, stacked on each other, about 3 times, and you get the idea. Big. Full of fat and cheese....and making me sick just thinking about it.

And they all wanted ketchup. I've never had, or figured out what exactly ketchup is. Anyone out there who can describe it?

And, to top it all off, my boss has f*cked up on the roster, and given me two shifts with only 8 hours in between them.One of which was a 10pmto 6am night shift. Say hello to Cranky McNosleep Mike.

Going to have to wash my mouth out with alcohol when I get home.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Back to work ...

I go back to work today, after three days off. If it weren't for the money....

Still haven't broken on the cigarrette front yet. And I'm pretty sure I won't. Not with my new addiction. COFFEE! Coffee coffee cofffee!

Hopefully I'll have more then filler when i get home, but being monday, its not a promise.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Finally...I've done it.

This is it. Here and now, I pledge to quit smoking. For good. Yup. Completely, and utterly done.
It's started making me feel crap.

I will not smoke again. Ever.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sapphy sure writes alot.

Must have alot on her mind....

Anyhoo, this is so you people who read this (and I know you all do ....all two of you..) go and read her stuff. Follow the links! She's a much better writer than I.

Hi Jen! hopes you see this.... I know its nowhere near as good as your posty post that was kinda for me. but like I said, you are the better writer....

Oversleep can be interesting.

I've been sleeping all day, due to the fact that I worked Saturday 10pm to 6am, which led to me sleeping all day Sunday, and there fore was awake all through the dark hours Sunday night, and then slept all...anyway.
I've forced myself to nap during the night, as I have to work this afternoon at 2pm.

This has led to something resembling a dream running through my head( I believe the term is Lurid Dream) that seems very random, and not anything like a usual dream, being all realistic and stuff.

It was the type of dream that I knew would make an awesome book/story, had I remembered the whole thing afterwards....

Here is what I remember:
It was set in either Japan or China during the past (the time period that the samuri/karate films are usually set).

The main character was called Jennifer, though I have no idea why, being in a place and time that is the past.

The secondary(but still very important) character didn't seem to have a name, but was pushing a pram. Or something. I'm going to say it was a pram. Like the pram out of the Lone Wolf and Cub movies. Yes, that was fact, it was him. His pram, his child. Him.

Anyway, the whole dream seemed to be Jennifer following the tracks of SecondaryCharacter, despite the dangers, the dangers so far being: speaking birds, ghost wagon thingies (very cool see through effect- and this is a dream), and being up on a bamboo walkway that is 30+ feet in the air. With moss and stuff. Slippery.

The reason she was following him was to return a diary/log of his adventures, which was magic.
It was magic (or maybe it was just the dream) in that it would update itself when she reached random points, telling her what had occured there, to SecondaryCharacter.
Despite not being in his possession. Spooky. It'd also 'play' the event in her mind(movie flashback style).

The whole point of this post? My dreams are awesomeness in it's purest form.
I may just have to make an ongoing story on another blog about Jen's adventures....

Monday, May 02, 2005

Bad luck weekend.

On the way to work the other day, I rode into a hole. (Shut up.)

It was dark, being 840pm,and there were road works happening in the area. Someone who was working didn't cover a hole properly, and left a slight gap. Which just happened to be the right size for my front tyre. Ass over head is the term.

And then, half a minute from work I nearly ran into the back end of a car, due to a coconut on the road.

Then, the next night, the girl who I was on with, caused a fire in the deep fryer. Fun with fire extinguishers.....and a big mess to deal with.

More later.