This is a page thats going to be about the stuff that happens to me, mainly at work. Or, not.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The strange people I see....

The drug addicts: Whether speed, heroin or weed, its OBVIOUS. Guys. We can tell. Always. Don't think we are fooled. We just don't care.

The Thieves: Once again, pretty obvious, unless you are good. Normally nervous, glancy, hang around in or out of the store for a while. Sometimes we act, some times not. Depends on mood.

The Crazys: Sometimes hard to spot, until they act. This one lady, it wasn't obvious, until she bought some food, and then, as she walked out, waved at someone, and said some gibberish, despite the fact there was NOONE else in the store. (And today she stared at me like I was eating a hat. Scary.)

The Drunks: These are all right most of the time. Its the ones that get aggressive or think they can intimidate me into giving them free food that p*ss me off. I will not hesitate to tell them to live/overcharge these people. And, if they get too pissy, I'll threaten to ring the police. Alllllways works. :)

The Angrys/Rushers: The most aggravating of the bunch. They act like they are the most important person in the store. Today I had 2. The first one had a BP fuel card, and wanted me to give his card back, despite needing to do a signature match. What gets me, is he told me that there are several signatures to the one card, despite there being only one on the back. Pretty sure that that is ILLEGAL! Better to leave it unsigned. That way we don't care(not that we do anyway...). The second one was angry because she was in a rush, despite wanting food, while the person in the kitchen was busy making a burger. Not my fault you had to wait for me to finish serving the 5 other people in the store. So I took my time...I knew what was coming.
And then she had to find the right card, which made her madder (how is that my fault?!?).
Its not my time being wasted. I'm there for 8 hours at a time.


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