This is a page thats going to be about the stuff that happens to me, mainly at work. Or, not.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

American Invasion!/My boss is a shit, but whats new?

For the next few days, there's an American navy ship (or something similar) in port, and they all get shore leave.

The cooks on the ship mustn't be the greatest (either that or they like eating fat), because we had 5 of them come through last night about midnight, and they all ordered double cheesburgers.

You've seen Mcdonald's cheeseburgers? Imagine those, stacked on each other, about 3 times, and you get the idea. Big. Full of fat and cheese....and making me sick just thinking about it.

And they all wanted ketchup. I've never had, or figured out what exactly ketchup is. Anyone out there who can describe it?

And, to top it all off, my boss has f*cked up on the roster, and given me two shifts with only 8 hours in between them.One of which was a 10pmto 6am night shift. Say hello to Cranky McNosleep Mike.

Going to have to wash my mouth out with alcohol when I get home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ketchup is just like tomato sauce. a bit like tomato chutney, maybe? the americans & the brits have it on everything. just like the europeans have mayonnaise on everything. & it's sweet chilli sauce for your guys, right?

oscarina xXx

3:15 am

Blogger Evil Bunneh said...

i guess....but its only really me ho has sweet chilli on everything. everyone else in aus has no taste.

whats tomato chutney like???

3:30 am


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