This is a page thats going to be about the stuff that happens to me, mainly at work. Or, not.

Friday, June 24, 2005


I finished my application for a unit today, with my workmate, (TallBoy)...and two hours later, we GOT it! Amazing! I'm so glad its all over at last...more later.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Semi-Guest post.

Check this out. Its got an awesome post today! (Not that they aren't ever not awesome...)
( )

Hi Sappppppphy!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The 'Complainer'

A few nights ago, a customer came in to work in a taxi, but didn't get out of it for about 10 minutes. I'll her this customer 'TheComplainer'

After this person came in, he pottered about and gathered things he wanted to buy. This took him about another ten minutes. Meanwhile, the cab was still waiting, meter ticking over...

Eventually, he came to the icecream display, and asked me to give a taster of megachoc, which he didn't like. He asked me what my favourite flavour was (and by this time I was getting a little ticked off, but it didn't come across-I've learned to have a pokerface at all times), which happened to be...megachoc. 'TheComplainer' then tried the bubbletastic flavour, and liked it, and wanted a small.

So I dish it up, and he says 'Can you scrape the top off? I want the marshmallows, and its softer'
Me: No, I'm afraid I can't sir. It would ruin the display, and then no one else would wish to buy it.'

T.C : But I'm buying it.
Me: Pokerface - I still can't do that sir. My boss would not be pleased.
T.C. : I'm complain that you wouldn't give me what I want!
Me: *thinking* Go ahead asswipe. *Saying* Silence
T.C. : I don't want the f*cking thing then
Me: Ok. *put away*

T.C. I'm going to come back and complain about this.

Me: About what sir? Me doing what my boss told me to do?
T.C: I'm never coming back! You wasted my time, and now I have to pay the cab extra!

My thought: I wasted 30 seconds of your time? What about the 15 minutes that you spent wandering around the store?

Me: Thats not very effective as a threat sir.
S.C. What?
Me: Goodbye sir.

Addition: Two things have happened since.
One: I told my boss, and he said he'd sort TheComplainer out.
Two: Other staff have decided it is now ok to scrape the top off the icecream, despite numerous notes to the contrary.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Who needs a title?

Several interesting things have happened recently, the biggest of which is my decision to attempt to learn Finnish. I should probably pick a slightly easier language, but oh well. At least this way I can talk with the only person I know who really would use another language, as she actually lives in Finland.

I wonder if I can actually learn it...

The other major thing that happened to me (well, it hasn't *happened* as yet) is that sometime in the last week, while I wasn't working, a girl asked one of my *workmates* (I'll call him Golliwog) when I'd be working next, but he didn't give my number >_< (though he did give her my name).

I'm not sure whether to be excited, nervous, angry or scared. Mainly because I have no idea who it could have been, as his description was rather vague.

Oh well....have to see what happens.

And on the work side of things, the first two hours of my shift last night where the most interesting I've had for a long time.

First up was this guy who was in what I think may have been work clothes, who *allegedly* had his wallet stolen, though I don't think it was likely, unless it was a very skilled pickpocket.
Anyway, he was desperate for a cigarette, but having no money, and no one nearby to offer him any, he got rather shitty. He asked us if we could open a pack for him and sell him a single one.
Not bloody likely...

He ended up storming out and letting loose a constant stream of abuse, some of which involved how his dog was a purebreed or something. I wasn't paying attention too closely.
The best part of it was when he was out on the driveway, and yelled some more abuse, to which Golliwog replied with:

Mr Angry:"WHAT?!?*more abuse*"
G:"Seeya Buddy"
Me: walking around laughing my head off and trying to get off the floor.
( yes. i was on the floor, and walking around at the same time. don't ask me how.)

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I pronounce you....

The wedding has happened, and a good time was had by all.

Many photos were tasken by everyone, and they'll be sending them to us fairly soon, I hope.
I know I took a great many. I even managed to fill our digital camera within half an hour. On three different occasions.

Much alcohol was also consumed, a decent amount by me. :)

After the wedding, a friend of my father and I went out to a 'lounge bar' (which is just a club with a swanky name.) and furthered the cause of alcoholics everywhere.
He (my father's friend-nickname Beavis) also tried to use his apparently legendary pulling power to convince the girls who worked the bar at the wedding afterparty to come out with us.
I think they where amused, but not interested...
One of the m was only 17, but I never would of known....I didn't think anyone could serve alcohol while underage.

Anyway, it's 9am right now, and I'm still slightly drunk.

Oh, and I have lost my phone, which sucks. I just hope it fell out in Beavis's hotel room, and not in the car of the complete strangers who gave us a lift to the hotel from where I work.

Much randomness from me today.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Happy Days and Minor Annoyances.

My father's wedding is tommorrow. I've got a suit and all. Be looking sharp I hope.

I'll have pics up soon....maybe.

As for the work department, I've been having a slight beef (tension building for those who don't know what I mean) with the old guy at work. He worked there a while ago, and has come back to work there again.

Basically, it's been in the little things. Like me being busy, and him not helping, in any way. Things like standing at the counter, and ignoring the starving masses.
I'm retraining him slowly though. It's amazing what a semi-death stare (a 3 second stare comp, repeated when needed) can do to break him into serving.

I think that slightly mroe drastic measures will be needed eventually, but I'll cross that bridge (and probably burn it down behind me) as I get to it.