This is a page thats going to be about the stuff that happens to me, mainly at work. Or, not.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I pronounce you....

The wedding has happened, and a good time was had by all.

Many photos were tasken by everyone, and they'll be sending them to us fairly soon, I hope.
I know I took a great many. I even managed to fill our digital camera within half an hour. On three different occasions.

Much alcohol was also consumed, a decent amount by me. :)

After the wedding, a friend of my father and I went out to a 'lounge bar' (which is just a club with a swanky name.) and furthered the cause of alcoholics everywhere.
He (my father's friend-nickname Beavis) also tried to use his apparently legendary pulling power to convince the girls who worked the bar at the wedding afterparty to come out with us.
I think they where amused, but not interested...
One of the m was only 17, but I never would of known....I didn't think anyone could serve alcohol while underage.

Anyway, it's 9am right now, and I'm still slightly drunk.

Oh, and I have lost my phone, which sucks. I just hope it fell out in Beavis's hotel room, and not in the car of the complete strangers who gave us a lift to the hotel from where I work.

Much randomness from me today.


Blogger Evil Bunneh said...

I'm not sure if I should put them up on the 'net for all to see...

2:32 pm


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