This is a page thats going to be about the stuff that happens to me, mainly at work. Or, not.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Happy Days and Minor Annoyances.

My father's wedding is tommorrow. I've got a suit and all. Be looking sharp I hope.

I'll have pics up soon....maybe.

As for the work department, I've been having a slight beef (tension building for those who don't know what I mean) with the old guy at work. He worked there a while ago, and has come back to work there again.

Basically, it's been in the little things. Like me being busy, and him not helping, in any way. Things like standing at the counter, and ignoring the starving masses.
I'm retraining him slowly though. It's amazing what a semi-death stare (a 3 second stare comp, repeated when needed) can do to break him into serving.

I think that slightly mroe drastic measures will be needed eventually, but I'll cross that bridge (and probably burn it down behind me) as I get to it.


Blogger Evil Bunneh said...

I plan to look good. i'll have to put one up now.

8:06 am


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