This is a page thats going to be about the stuff that happens to me, mainly at work. Or, not.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Various Reviews.

Just went to see The Interpretor (Nicole Kidman, Sean Penn).

Not a particularly bad movie, but the plot takes a lot of concentrating to follow without being confused. It's not a movie that you can sit back and just watch.Having said that, I enjoyed it well enough, though it wasn't what I was expecting from a movie with Nicole in it.
Its not her usual movie (though I haven't really watched any of her stuff....).

I also bought the album 'Good News for People Who Love Bad News' By Modest Mouse today.

I never thought I'd get into 'emo' type music, even as close back as 3 years ago, but these guys have some very upbeat, cruisy, well put together songs.

How things change....

EDIT: the modest mouse album just keeps getting better and better....

And in other news, we have a new pope. Being not really religious, I don't care, but it is news...


Blogger Evil Bunneh said...

wow...commenty goodness...

thanks jen!

3:46 am


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