This is a page thats going to be about the stuff that happens to me, mainly at work. Or, not.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What happens when, No. 1

I worked this arfternoon till 10pm, which was good.

Until the guy that was supposed to replace me didn't show. This guy is usually pretty reliable, so I thought he might just be late. After 5 minutes, I put his till in, counted mine, and then called him.

Nothing. No answer.

So I tried to get someone else to come in and cover his shift.

Nope. What I expected.

Tried ringing my manager. No answer. No one ever answers a call from work.

Stayed back an hour and did the most necessary jobs of night shift.

Would have stayed for the whole shift, but I had to get home, so I could feed the dog....

....or so I thought. Turns out dad did it before he left.

Now I feel like an asshole, because I left the girl in the kitchen by herself. At night.

Plus, had I known, I would have stayed. I need the overtime.

EDIT: He turned up about half an hour after I had left. Apparently he didn't hear the alarm, as he was in a different room.


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